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CLA Christian Law Association Training Luncheon

Every church and Christian ministry needs to know this information:
-How to stay in compliance with state and federal law
-What to do when the culture conflicts with your faith
-How to train your staff on what they can, and can’t, say and do
-Enable preachers to be bolder in what they say about the clash of culture and faith
-Train your congregations on how to more boldly defend their faith in the public marketplace

This rare training and opportunity to fellowship with other pastors and ministry leaders will take place on two dates at different locations (choose what works best for you):

Thursday, Oct 24, 9am to 4pm, Salvation Army, 1600 E. Clearlake Ave., Springfield, IL.
Friday Oct 25, 9am to 4pm, 2212 N. Market St., Champaign, IL.

The training is free but there is a nominal fee of $10 for lunch. Sign up at (or)

This event is sponsored by

Bruce Kugler
Business Men in Christ
Drake, Narup & Mead
The Springfield and Area Ministerial Alliance
The Salvation Army
Great News Media
The WLUJ Family of Stations

If you have questions, call Dave Fitch at 217-553-8001.

To register yourself or group, click on the below link:

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Audience of ONE: A Call to Praise & Worship

Join us September 29 for a special evening of Praise & Worship. Doors open at 5:15 pm. Free admission, and we’ll come together as one people to celebrate God’s goodness. For more information call 217-367-7777 and also access this link:

Sign up and learn more here:

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UNSHACKLED, Pacific Garden Mission Tour with The Singing Men of ‘GNN

You’re invited to be a part of a life-changing experience which includes: deluxe motor coach travel to the Pacific Garden Mission, Chicago, for a tour of their ministry, a live production of “UNSHACKLED!” (the award-winning, longest running radio drama in history), dinner at the Pacific Garden Mission, and a lively Praise, Testimony and Worship service (which will include the Singing Men of “GNN).

We will depart from two locations: Market Place Mall, Champaign (far east side of lot) at 11:45 AM sharp on August, 26, returning back by around 9:30 pm. We are also planning to have a motor coach at the WLUJ studio location (600 West Mason St., Springfield, IL), following the same departure and arrival times.

Cost $50, and you must fill out a registration form. Seating is limited and first come first serve. Call 217-367-7777 or register at the below link. After registering, if you do not pay “on-line”, mail in your check to: Great News Radio, PO Box 550, Fisher, IL 61843 (and write “UNSHACKLED” on the memo line). You can also call in with your credit card info to 217-367-7777. Register here for the trip

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Dinner Club – Texas Roadhouse

Fun-Food-Fellowship!!! Join us Monday, April 30, as the Texas Roadhouse restaurant will donate 10% of your total food purchased to Great News Radio. During the hours of 4-10 PM, we’ll have a great time together, as radio and newspaper staff will give away hugs and prizes. Sign up and join the “GNR/PLT Dinner Club” and win additional prizes, coupons, gift cards and other great stuff.

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2018 Creation Museum/Ark Encounter Tour

***NEWS FLASH: At the time of this posting (Thursday night, 3/22/18), we only have possibly four seats left on our bus.
Exciting times, come join us! The group pictured was from our visit a few years ago. Date: Sat, May 19-Sun, May 20 Price $180, (covers deluxe motor coach, nice hotel accommodations, Creation Museum ticket, Planetarium ticket, Ark Experience ticket) Overnight stay near, Florence KY, which includes: free warm breakfast, free internet, microwave and small refrig in each room, pool, nice accommodations. ***My quote is based on two people per room (some rooms have two queens, others only a king. If you don’t want a roommate, the cost goes up $65 to $245. We will be boarding our motor coach at 6:15 am, from the far east lot (east of Dick’s Sporting Goods) at Market Place Mall, Champaign, promptly leaving on or before 6:30 am. There may be a pick-up in or around Danville, TBD There may be a pick-up at the Beef House, TBD On Sat, May 19, we’ll go directly to the Creation Museum and stay until the 6 pm closing, then head to our hotel (dinner is on your own, as there are restaurants near hotel). Free hot breakfast at the hotel, Sunday morning. We will check out around 9:45, and worship at a local Church. The Ark Experience opens at noon. We will leave the Ark around 4-5 pm, ET, arriving back home around 8-9:30 pm. Other things you should know: • Consider bringing along snacks, a sack lunch or other food items for the two days, if you so choose. The museums have restaurants where you may choose to eat at your own expense, and there are restaurants near the hotel. • Bring along a Bible, notebook, pen and camera. • Dress comfortably and casually, as it will be a long ride there and back. Maybe layer your clothing (weather dependent); you can leave things on our locked bus. • There will be sharing and testimony time on the bus, “no pressure”, but for those willing, consider sharing something that the Lord has taught you lately. 🙂 • A group photo will be taken when we arrive. • Our planetarium viewing will be a specific scheduled time. We’ll know when, once we check in. So be aware if you wander off, you may miss it. • We will stop for dinner on our ride home. This cost will be your expense. • Additional information about the museum can be accessed at • Additional information about the Ark Experience at To sign up and register for this trip, fill out the WUFOO form at this link: Sign Up Here By Filling Out The Form





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