The Radio Jeep Reaches 111,111 And So Much More. Special Contest (Today Only, ends at 9pm) for two Gaither Homecoming Christmas concert tickets (or) two tickets to the Chris Cringle Arts & Craft show. Write a short story (ten sentences or less) beginning with "Once upon a time" using the above photo as the story line. Email to or call it in to 217-367-7777 by 9pm tonight. Winner's story will be read on air Thursday during Mark & Carrie in the morning.
October 20th, 2010 on 6:53 pm
Im the little white jeep
that went down the road beep beep
I veard from the log just missing the frog
after my owner took a picture of me.
Just kidding bro. Hope she sees 222,222.22
October 20th, 2010 on 8:17 am
once upon time the great news radio jeep felt board just sitting round in the driveway it said to itself I would like to take A good long trip to see where I would end up so I headed out for a good long trip when my 111,111 came up then I end my long trip to where I was going THE END