Come join us and be blessed!
The Ministry Leaders Network goal is to create a community of pastors and ministry leaders that will encourage, equip, and empower one another.

The topics speakers present are God honoring, and forthright.  Not just a message to “tickle the ear”, but to bring hope, conviction, and insight.

We are currently meeting on the first Thursday of each month at Vineyard Church, 1500 N Lincoln Ave, Urbana, IL (park in the south lot and enter from there).  We provide a delicious lunch and a special speaker. We will begin serving lunch at 11:45 am, and end our gathering promptly at 1:15 pm.
These gatherings are for pastors and ministry leaders (here’s a message I’ve sent out).
Hi Ministry Leader . . .

I pray you sense God’s love and leading today, and may your ministry work this year be your best ever! May our Ministry Leaders Network gatherings be used of God to assist you in your ministry calling.

As you may know, we’ve been meeting for almost four years. God has blessed our gatherings, and I believe has many more great things in store.

After many months of prayer and planning, we began in May of 2021. Our goal since the very beginning was to to create a community of pastors and ministry leaders that will encourage, equip, and empower one another.

We continue to pray and discussing what God may be up to locally. Is there some purpose of God in our area that would claim the involvement of all the churches in order for it to be accomplished? And, might God call us to do something special for Internationals? (As you may know, Urbana Missionary Conferences, hosting 18,000+ students from all over the world were held here from 1948-2003).

We desire the Ministry Leaders Network to not only be a safe haven for discussion, friendship, networking and growth, but also a place to spur one another to action. We hope our gatherings are a catalyst to sense God’s leading.
If you have questions, or plan to attend, please RSVP to or or call 217-367-7777.

Dear Ministry Leader,

Thanks for all that you do to proclaim the Gospel, and your work in God’s Kingdom.

Here are a few ways Great News Media and our Ministry Leaders Network hope to support and assist you:  

  1. Host monthly lunches that will encourage, equip, and empower you.
  2. Invite you to record a scripture verse that will be broadcast repeatedly with a mention of your church or ministry.  You will have 1:00 to cite the verse and share. 
  3. Include your various special events on our announcements and Community Calendar.
  4. An interview may be arranged during Mark & Friends where your testimony, calling and ministry work can be talked about.
  5. We are looking at a new program called Pastor at the Door where you’d have five minutes to share a devotional thought which would be broadcast during our lineup.
  6. Our Beloved PrimeLife Times publication has over 32,000 monthly readers, your 250 words or less submission may be published in a future edition.
  7. Our Theatre Troupe may be available to put on a skit or drama to help with your ministry’s message.
  8.  Our Singing Men of ‘GNN could sing at your gathering.

Please contact and let us know your thoughts on ways we might support you in your Kingdom work.

God is Good!
Mark Burns
General Manager
Great News Media