God has called us to bring together pastors’ wives to encourage, equip, and empower them in their high calling. If you are a pastor’s wife, we want to bless you in the days ahead! Currently this very successful new ministry (that met for eight straight months) is seeking God’s leading for the days ahead and is not currently meeting.
You can find out more by clicking on the link below. Please complete the questionnaire, so that we may get to know you better. We’d also like to receive your feedback to make this a God-honoring ministry that is transformational!
As mentioned above, we have hosted a monthly free luncheon where we provide a gifted speaker and an opportunity for wonderful fellowship.
Our launch date was April 2, 2024, where we gathered at the Salvation Army Community Center, 1600 E Clear Lake Ave., Springfield, IL (corner of East Clear Lake Ave. and MLK Jr. Dr.).
We always met on the first Tuesday of each month from noon to 1:30 pm.