Community Event Calendar
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Tune in Monday-Friday to hear updates about these and other radio events and activities.
WGNJ 89.3 FM at 9 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 8pm WGNN 102.5, 103.9 & 97.1 FM at 8 am, 11 am, 3pm, 7pm.
Find out more about free English Conversation Classes for Internationals at: or look under “About” on our home page.
Date Host/Group(s) Event |
Location Contact Number and Additional Information |
Time |
Ongoing/Anytime Bible Collection | Mail any used Bibles library rate to Bible Foundation, PO Box 908, Newberg, OR 97132 503-538-4897 They will be used around the world – refugee camps, prisons, homeless shelters, nursing homes, schools, transportation stations, missions, etc. | anytime |
Ongoing free primary care for uninsured of Champaign County at Avicenna Community Health Center | Avicenna Community Health Center 819 Bloomington Rd, Champaign, IL appointments & walk-ins 217-418-5888 for appointments Manage diabetes, high blood pressure & high cholesterol, physical exams, nutritional counseling | Sundays 1-4 p.m. |
PACE, Inc. Center for Independent Living, Ongoing assistance for those with Disabilities | PACE, Inc 1317 E Florida, Urbana, IL 217-344-5433 Contact for support, information, and assistance to maintain independent living such a help to receive free amplified phones for those with hearing loss (800-841-6167) | Work hours |
Friday evenings Rescue Us Addiction Program | Cumberland Presbyterian Church Corner of Guy Ave and Frazier St, Georgetown, IL Sponsored by churches in Georgetown area Introduction to the One who gives strength to overcome ANY addiction Contact Steve, 217-474-2306 or Dan, 217-274-0333 | 6:30-8 p.m. |
Tuesdays Celebrate Recovery | Christian Life Church 300 N Maplewood Dr, Rantoul, IL or Christ-centered 12 step program for freedom from addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. For anyone 18 years and older. Free childcare. Dinner – first Tuesday of month. | 6:30-8 p.m. First Tuesday meal – 6 p.m. |
Tuesday – Friday and Saturdays Seek and Find Ministries | Seek and Find Ministries 233 N Garrard Ave, Rantoul, IL 217-892-0051 Prayer, financial counseling, job skills program, resume writing, thrift store | Tues-Fri 10-5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m.-1 p.m. |
Ongoing Love Packages | Send donations of Bibles, tracts, Christian books, Christian magazines, SS supplies, daily devotionals, commentaries, CDs & DVDs to Love Packages, Eagles Nest Ministries, 220 Union St., Butler, IL 62015 Check web site: for details | ongoing |
Mondays Celebrate Recovery | Upper Room Bible Church 455 W Orleans, Paxton, IL 217-379-4189 Freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups (emotional, addictive, dysfunctional Free childcare upon request. | 6 p.m. |
Take It Back Ministry, ongoing addiction help | Faith Church 2111 N Willow Rd., Urbana, IL 217-344-5540 Contact person: Dustin Brown, 217-761-8863 | call for assistance |
M, T, Th, F Food & Clothing Pantry | Restoration Urban Ministries 1213 Parkland Ct., Champaign, IL Transitional housing, self-sufficiency ministry for homeless and near homeless in Champaign County. Classes, case management, employment counseling, spiritual mentoring, child care, tutoring, food pantry, clothing room, household goods. Must register at 217-355-2662. | Office hours 10-3, M-F |
Every Thursdays Celebrate Recovery for All | New Horizon Church 3002 W Bloomington Rd., Champaign, IL 815-848-5881 Christ-centered 12-step program for freedom from hurts, hangups, and habits Free childcare for 18 months thru kindergarten with advanced notice. Celebration Place for 1st-5th grades, The Landing for 6th-12th grades | Optional meal 5:45 p.m., Worship & lesson/testimony at 6:30 followed by groups, including Newcomer 101. |
March 30, Sunday Lifestyle Evangelism with Daniel Nalley | New Horizon Church 3002 W Bloomington Rd, Champaign, IL Register for dinner at 217-359-8909 | 4-8 p.m. |
March 30, Sunday New Jerusalem Singers in concert | Bismarck First Church of Christ 100 Maiden Ln, Bismarck, IL | 6:30 p.m. |
April 6, Sunday Music Magic Live | Elks Lodge, 903 N Dunlap Ave, Savoy, IL Benefit for Lilly and David Gingold Holocaust and Tolerance Education Outreach Fund Features musicians Cameron Cornell, Angie Rouley, and Tamra Gingold, MC is Elizabeth Hess With traveling Holocust exhibit SHOAH | 7-9 p.m. |
April 12 & 13, 18th Saturday & Sunday, Thursday CHM Bible Theatre presents “He’s Alive!” Easter Production | CHM Bible Theatre Auditorium 300 S Broadway Ave, Urbana, IL 217-407-3022, There will be a good Friday communion service and then a play. | 5 p.m. |
April 12, Saturday Empowered by Hope | Harvest New Beginnings 5315 Douglas Rd, Oswego, IL 309-660-116- One day conference to equip and inspire women in church leadership and those facing trauma Catered lunch | 8:30 a.m. |
April 18, Friday, Way of the Cross Pro-Life Prayer Service | Equity Clinic, 2111 W Park Ct, Champaign, IL Prayer for those who are victims of abortion. Prayer booklets with Scripture readings, and group prayers will be provided. Mandy 217-766-4384 Prayers follow “the Stations of the Cross”. Anyone wanting to help read one the “Stations” should contact Mandy. | 10 a.m. |
May 16, Friday The Perrys in Concert | Danvers Baptist Church 104 W Columbia St, Danvers, IL 309-750-8478 Love Offering | 7 p.m. |
Tune in Monday-Friday to hear updates about these
and other radio events and activities. WGNJ 89.3 FM at 9 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 8pm WGNN 102.5, 103.9 & 97.1 FM at 8 am, 11 am, 3pm, 7pm
To receive our free newsletter or to find out more about our ministry, contact us in one of these ways:
PO Box 550 Fisher, IL 61843
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