Learn More here: https://primelifetimes.com/
Are you familiar with the PrimeLife Times? If you shop at various businesses, grocery stores, retail outlets, restaurants and the like, throughout the Central Illinois and East-Central Indiana area, you’ve probably seen copies of the publication at the entrance doors.
During the radio program, “Mark & Friends”, Mark Burns, General Manager of Great News Radio and the Publisher of the PrimeLife Times, talked about how this publication came to be and is now published by the Great News Media Group. Mark also shared the developing vision for this publications growth and how best to bless and encouraged the thousands who read it. Those programs are archived and can be heard at:
https://www.greatnewsradio.org/?page_id=6797 Look for titles with PrimeLife Times in them.
William Gingold of Urbana started the PrimeLife Times publication twenty-nine years ago with the intent to keep seniors (those 50 and older), informed, engaged and active in their every-day lives. He and the PrimeLife Times has held to this vision these many years, and we plan to continue in this spirit.
The PrimeLife Times features sections such as Lifestyles, News and Views, People and Places, Wellness, Health and Fitness, and Money Matters. The publication aims to provide informative, engaging, and positive articles on a wide variety of subjects. Though the publication is geared for the over 50 clientele, younger adults are also finding articles of interest!
Currently The PrimeLife Times serves fifteen counties with approximately 32,000 readers throughout Central Illinois and West-Central Indiana.
You can always find excellent recipes in the “Be Inspired” section—it’s a never-fail hit with many readers! You might also enjoy reading about current activities being held throughout the area, reading the Trivia Corner, brushing up on the history and usage of English words in the Wordsmith’s Workshop, or working on the monthly Crossword Puzzle.
The Great News Media Group (a division of Good News Radio Inc) is delighted and honored to welcome this Central Illinois newspaper, its contributors and wonderful advertisers, to our endeavors! We thank William and Phyllis Gingold for working with us, for going above and beyond to facilitate such a smooth transition. What a valuable contribution their newspaper has been to this and the other counties it serves!
If you’re out and about in Champaign-Urbana and surrounding areas, you’ll find the PrimeLife Times at local groceries, retail stores, medical offices, restaurants and a wide variety of other businesses and service providers. Pick up your FREE copy today!